The board ultimately provides leadership based on an ethical foundation, and oversees the overall process and structure of corporate governance. In formulating our governance framework, we aim to apply the highest standards of corporate governance practice, in a pragmatic manner. This enables us to:

  • Build and sustain an ethical corporate culture in the company;
  • Provide effective supervision and leadership based on ethical imperatives;
  • Identify and mitigate significant risks, including reputational risk;
  • Direct strategy and operations for sustainable business
  • Exercise effective review and monitoring of our activities;
  • Promote informed and sound decision making;
  • Enable effectiveness, efficiency, responsibility and accountability;
  • Enhance stakeholder perceptions of the business;
  • Ensure the company is a responsible corporate citizen;
  • Facilitate legal and regulatory compliance;
  • Secure the trust and confidence of all stakeholders;
  • Protect our reputation;
  • Ensure sustainable business practices, including social and environmental activities;
  • Disclose the necessary information to enable all stakeholders to make a meaningful analysis of our financial position and actions;
  • Respond appropriately to changes in market conditions and the business environment;
  • Remain at the forefront of international corporate governance practices;
  • Ensure company ethics are managed effectively through the social and ethics committee; and
  • Track measurements and key performance indicators for on-going corporate social investment.

Texton is committed to complying with the disclosure and transparency rules of the JSE listings requirements, the Companies Act, 2008 and the King Report on Corporate Governance of 2016 (King IV).